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 How do you think about colors?

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Posts : 7
Join date : 2010-09-05

How do you think about colors?  Empty
PostSubject: How do you think about colors?    How do you think about colors?  I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 26, 2011 8:03 am

Color can influence our emotions, our actions and how we respond to various people, things and ideas. Much has been studied and written about color and its impact on our daily lives.
Many people believe that colors are powers, and that colored stones are especially powerful. Here are some of the meanings of colors and the energies contained in their corresponding stones.
Blue- strong, important, peaceful, intelligent
Green- growth, health, environment, harmony
Red - love, passion, heat, joy, power
Pink - sweet, nice, romance, playful, delicate
Yellow - happy, joy, cheeful, remembrance
Gold - riches, extravagance, bright, traditional
Orange - energy, warmth change, health
Purple - royal, precious, romantic, sacred
Black - conservative, mysterious, sophisticated
Gray - formal, conservative, sophisticated
Silver - sleek, glamorous, rich
White - purity, innocence, softness
Ivory - quiet, pleasant, understated elegance
Brown - earthiness, wholesomeness, simplicity, friendliness
Beige - conservative, relaxing.
How do you thinks about this meaning of colors?
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